
CryoClear Device sm

Portable Precision

• CryoClear® is a breakthrough for the treatment of age spots, sun spots, and skin tags.

• Each disposable pen delivers between 20 to 30 five – second sprays of carbon dioxide (-79°C) in a pinpoint spray.

Product: CryOmega

CryoClear® uses Carbon Dioxide which freezes at -79°C to a depth of no more than 2mm into the skin, delivering a very safe and clinically effective treatment to superficial skin indications.

CryoClear’s high efficacy – over 95% – combined with less destruction of healthy tissue makes it perfect for treating age spots, sun spots, and skin tags. Whether used as a stand-alone treatment, or as a combination treatment to chemical peels, facials, micro-needling or dermaplaining,

CryoClear offers a better, faster cryotherapy solution with significant benefits for clients and treating practitioners.